Introducing an enhanced way to submit for verification. Find out more →
Shelley Burger

Introducing LawY's new interface, shaped by user feedback


From day one, LawY is committed to offering a truly unique AI solution that is purpose-built for lawyers and includes a powerful lawyer-in-the-loop feature. Shaped by your feedback, we’ve launched the biggest update yet to your trusted AI legal research assistant in October 2024. This update is the next evolution of Conversations in LawY. Discover what’s new and explore how you can leverage it to save time in your firm.

October 28, 2024

AI is a fast-changing landscape that, everyday, is uncovering new opportunities to leverage and surfacing pitfalls and limitations to address. That’s why we’re continually evolving LawY to ensure you have the most powerful and purpose-built legal AI solution at your fingertips.

In October 2024, we’re excited to welcome you to the latest evolution of LawY. Rest assured, your firm’s efficiency remains at the heart of what we do.

What’s new in LawY

Find your new home for legal research

The new, simplified homepage puts the focus on fast-tracking your legal research. Simply ‘select a matter’ and jump right into asking your legal questions.

Based on your feedback, we’ve shifted away from the tabular layout and brought the conversation window straight to the home page. This aims to reduce the clicks between you and your legal research.You can select/change matter types, start a conversation, and check past conversations, all from the home page.

Switch between matter types quickly

We heard your feedback and created a more intuitive way to switch between matter types. This saves you exiting and entering different windows.

Simply select, change or create a matter directly from the home page. Switching between matter types is now faster than ever, helping you jump straight into conversations.

Note: When you open a matter in LEAP and then select the LawY button, this will open a matter in LawY with the same name. If you have not taken this step on individual matters, then those will not appear in LawY.

Search past conversations with ease

We’ve revolutionised how you can quickly search through past conversations, by moving away from the table-based layout which requires lots of clicking to the next page.

You can bring up the past conversations pop up by selecting ‘Ctrl Y’, selecting the button on the left window pane, or clicking ‘View all’ Conversations. You can then filter conversations by creator, matter type, and date range to refine your search.

By default, the pop up will only show you conversations that you have started.

Note: You can only continue conversations that you yourself have started. Using the search feature, you can view (but not edit) conversations started by colleagues in your firm.

Take advantage of more flexible matter creation

We heard your feedback on fast-tracking legal research in adjacent areas of law, whether it’s exploring cross-jurisdiction case law or understanding what the other side of the matter might see.

You can now create a new matter in any region or matter type, without having to set one up in LEAP first. Take advantage of new flexibility to accelerate your legal research.

Get the most out of Conversations in LawY

As one of our users has powerfully said, it takes time to get comfortable with using LawY and getting the answers you need.

Here are some ways you can use LawY most effectively.

Choose the most relevant matter type

LawY’s powerful and ever-expanding legal knowledge base is built on matter-specific information. So, accessing the most optimal answers begins with selecting the most relevant matter type for your legal question.

For this reason, we recommend against creating one catch-all ‘Practice Management’ matter for your questions.

With the latest enhancements, switching to a different matter or creating a new matter in LawY is faster than ever. Simply hit the + button on the left pane to get back to the home page.

Ask follow up questions

Every time you ask a question from the home page, this starts a new conversation in LawY. The power in this is that LawY has history and memory within each conversation, so asking follow up questions is a great way to thoroughly explore a specific legal question.

For example, you might choose to ask LawY:

Question 1 - Who is protected under the Unfair Contract Terms changes implemented in Australia recently?

Question 2 - Provide some recent case examples in which the Unfair Contract terms regime was tested?

Question 3 - Create a summary of the information into a bullet point summary

This will then provide you a refined and summarised answer to your legal question, which you can copy and send to a colleague if needed.

Request specific outputs

Whether you need to transform a response into a client letter or a summary for your team, save time by instructing LawY to deliver the response in your preferred format. We recommend creating specific prompts such as ‘draft a letter’, ‘summarise [question]’, or ‘case summary [case name]’.

For example, you might choose to ask LawY:

Question 1 - Write a letter to former client Mr [Insert Name], seeking his consent to act in a matter of conflict.

Question 2 - The letter should refer to the relevant ASCR rules under which we are seeking this consent.

Submit for verification

For an extra layer of confidence, you can always submit your answer for verification by a qualified lawyer. This is how LawY combines AI with human expertise to deliver unparalleled accuracy.

In the new interface, you have the option to submit a specific AI-answer for verification, or submit a whole conversation — which then sends all substantive legal questions through to a Verifier.

Get started exploring the new update today

Whether you're a long-time user or new to the platform, this update aims to make LawY more intuitive, powerful, and faster than ever for you to use. We’re excited to see how you’ll take advantage of these changes to unlock greater efficiency in your firm. Have any feedback? Email us at

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